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  • Publisher: Search Press
  • Edition: BC Paperback
  • Publication: 01 November 2003
  • ISBN 13/EAN: 9781903975664
  • Carton Qty:
  • Size: 222x222 mm
  • Illustrations: 530
  • Pages: 160
  • RRP: $19.95
  • Series: Encyclopedia of
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The Encyclopedia of Sewing Techniques


A step-by-step visual directory, with an inspirational gallery of finished pieces by Wendy Gardiner

Edelweiss Buy Now
Book Description

The complete step-by-step guide to hand and machine sewing, combining basic know-how for the beginner with advanced techniques for the more experienced.

This indispensable reference book includes all the sewing tools, materials and techniques you will ever need. It offers advice on seams, darts, pleats, tucks, necklines, buttonholes, zippers, hems, embellishments and much, much more. Wendy Gardiner takes you through the steps to get you started, helps to improve your skills with the latest sewing tips, and gives inspirational tips on new creative approaches. Once the basic hand and machine sewing techniques are mastered,you can furnish a home, dress a family, or create wonderful embroidered pictures, gifts, and cards. All the techniques are clearly illustrated with photographs, diagrams, and easy to follow step-by-step instructions.

The complete step-by-step guide to hand and machine sewing
The book combines basic know-how for the beginner with advance techniques for the more experienced sewer
Beautifully illustrated with full colour photographs and clear diagrams to help you achieve professional looking results every time
A gallery of stunning, original sewn pieces is included to inspire and encourage you to create your own unique designs

Table of Contents

* The complete step-by-step guide to hand and machine sewing

* The book combines basic know-how for the beginner with advance techniques for the more experienced sewer

* Beautifully illustrated with full colour photographs and clear diagrams to help you achieve professional looking results every time

* A gallery of stunning, original sewn pieces is included to inspire and encourage you to create your own unique designs

About the Author

About Wendy Gardiner

Wendy Gardiner is a writer, teacher and author. She has been editor of several leading sewing magazines and written 22 books including The Great British Sewing Bee: From Stitch to Style, Take Two Fat Quarters: Home, Take Two Fat Quarters: Gifts and most recently The Sewing Machine Manual. Wendy has made several YouTube videos for leading haberdashery and pattern companies. She runs regular residential Creative Sewing Weekends, teaches a weekly class and writes articles for various magazines and her own website. Wendy organizes the extensive workshop programmes for the Festival of Quilts and the Knitting & Stitching Shows. She has a strong reputation and fan base because of her enthusiastic and friendly approach to sharing her passion for dressmaking and machine sewing. Wendy lives in Hampshire, UK.

Visit her website:


Oct 05

...This book is perfect for total amateurs but also the more experienced as there are many advance techniques. Each chapter contains beautiful illustrations and colour photographs so that you can't possibly go wrong. Beading, buttonholes, braiding, decoration, cushions, fabrics, measuring, cuffs, pleats and seams are all covered in the book amongst many more things. A recommended read for anyone wishing to pursue a hobby of sewing! An encyclopaedia that will get much use!

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Also by this author:

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