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  • Publisher: Search Press
  • Edition: BC Paperback
  • Publication: 16 July 2012
  • ISBN 13/EAN: 9781844487844
  • Carton Qty:
  • Size: 210x295 mm
  • Illustrations: 100
  • Pages: 64
  • RRP: $17.95
  • Series: Art of Drawing
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Art of Drawing: Drawing Pets


Dogs, cats, horses and other animals by Giovanni Civardi

Edelweiss Buy Now
Book Description

Giovanni Civardi has built a formidable reputation worldwide for his skills as both an artist and a teacher, and here he provides a unique introduction to the art of drawing pets. The focus of the book is very much on Giovanni’s exquisite drawings of a broad range of animals, including cats, dogs, horses, chickens, rabbits and birds, in a variety of poses. There are sections on perspective, anatomy, form, structure and movement, and techniques. Civardi also shares pages from his sketchbook depicting dogs, chickens, cattle, cats and horses and the book ends with a section devoted to the drawings he made in the Natural History Museum, Milan. The accompanying text provides concise, clearly written explanations of the subject, including materials, equipment and practical considerations, and the author’s in-depth knowledge of the subject is apparent throughout. This is therefore an ideal introduction to drawing pets for the absolute beginner, as well as a source of information and inspiration for artists of all abilities.

1. Provides a highly visual, expert guide to drawing pets.
2. Includes numerous examples of the author’s own work.
3. Suitable for beginners as well as more advanced artists seeking guidance and inspiration from one of the world’s most respected artists and authors.

Table of Contents

1. Provides a highly visual, expert guide to drawing pets.
2. Includes numerous examples of the author’s own work.
3. Suitable for beginners as well as more advanced artists seeking guidance and inspiration from one of the world’s most respected artists and authors.

About the Author

About Giovanni Civardi

Giovanni Civardi is a best-selling Italian artist and author, with over 600,000 copies of his books sold worldwide in English alone. Civardi was born in Milan, Italy in 1947. While training to become a sculptor, portrait artist and illustrator at the Free Life-Study School of the Accademia di Brera, he also studied medicine and surgery. For over a decade, he worked as an illustrator, producing commissions for newspapers, magazines and book covers. During frequent trips to France and Denmark, Civardi put on one-man exhibitions of this work and pursued his interest in studying the relationship between medical anatomy and the human form as depicted by the artist. His experience gained from teaching anatomy, life drawing and portraiture in schools and institutions over many years has led to the publication of numerous books in which Civardi's experiences are brought into focus. For more work and information visit his website:


Aug 12

I really dont think theres a subject that Giovanni Civardi cant, wont or shouldnt turn his hand to. This is a wonderful collection of animal drawings that just burst with life, and he passes the horse test with flying colours (horses being one of the most difficult subjects and the easiest to get wrong). In fact the drawing on page 44 of a farrier shoeing a horse is about the most complex subject you can get. Once again, this isnt a full instruction manual, but rather a series of drawings and short demonstrations that lead by example. Im not generally a fan of copying, though I know it works for a lot of people, but I really would recommend that you try to reproduce some of whats here. Itll be a tall order, but youll learn more by doing this than from almost anything else.

Leisure Painter, The

Sept 12

Popular author and teacher Giovanni Civardis books provide good introductions to each subject with clear illustrations and concise text. Opening with chapters on perspective, anatomy, form, structure, movement and drawing techniques, Drawing Pets looks in particular at dogs, chickens, cattle, cats and horses as well as a section on Giovannis wildlife sketchbook based on drawings from the Natural History Museum in Milan. These books are more sketchbooks than how-to-do-it books, but theres much to be learnt from studying the work of this popular artist.

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