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  • Publisher: Search Press
  • Edition: BC Paperback
  • Publication: 02 October 2009
  • ISBN 13/EAN: 9781844485086
  • Carton Qty: 22
  • Size: 152x220 mm
  • Illustrations: 450
  • Pages: 440
  • RRP: $19.95
  • Series: Art of Drawing
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A complete guide by Giovanni Civardi

Edelweiss Buy Now
Book Description

This is an essential book for anyone learning to draw, or wishing to improve their drawing. Starting with the basics of drawing techniques, Civardi gives expert advice on drawing portraits, the clothed figure, hands and feet and scenery, finishing with a section on the importance of light and shade. Civardi's technical advice and practical tips, accompanied by his own outstanding drawings, make this an invaluable resource for any artist.

Previously published as Giovanni Civardi's Complete Guide to Drawing (9781844482061) and now includes The Nude (9781844482443).

About the Author

About Giovanni Civardi

Giovanni Civardi is a best-selling Italian artist and author, with over 600,000 copies of his books sold worldwide in English alone. Civardi was born in Milan, Italy in 1947. While training to become a sculptor, portrait artist and illustrator at the Free Life-Study School of the Accademia di Brera, he also studied medicine and surgery. For over a decade, he worked as an illustrator, producing commissions for newspapers, magazines and book covers. During frequent trips to France and Denmark, Civardi put on one-man exhibitions of this work and pursued his interest in studying the relationship between medical anatomy and the human form as depicted by the artist. His experience gained from teaching anatomy, life drawing and portraiture in schools and institutions over many years has led to the publication of numerous books in which Civardi's experiences are brought into focus. For more work and information visit his website:


Marian Carr, Bradford College

Mar 14

This a collection of smaller books which each delve into an element of drawing and cover the key parts using pictorial examples throughout. It is well laid out and can be easily accessed by both learners and tutors. As a concept art tutor I found the tutorials and information thorough and a great use of excellent examples. Having asked learners the response was positive and a definite request to access more. The anatomy sections covering the musculature of hands, feet and head were especially informative and helpful. I will be asking my subject librarian to purchase.

Jan 2010

Drawing, A Complete Guide by Giovanni Civardi is a comprehensive exploration of hand drawing techniques and tools. While this book is focused on these techniques from a pure artistic point of view, the skills that are covered have real relevance and value for modern Graphic Designers. Technology changes everything and Graphic Design is no different. It doesn't seem so long ago that Graphic Design was a much more hands on discipline, with ideas mocked up on layout pads and then worked up through various refining stages, until the final design, along with a specification sheet overlay, was supplied for typesetting with the final artwork being produced through cut and pasting. Now it is possible for anyone with basic skills to produce understandable concepts using a PC and desktop printer, but there is real value for Graphic Designers to develop their drawing skills. Such skills can help Designers to quickly and clearly develop ideas wherever they are and can also allow them to produce hand drawn graphics for inclusion in finished designs.

Dec 09

For those wishing to learn to draw or improve their skills this book is an essential read. Previously published material has been used along with new information in the compilation of this fabulous instructional volume. Packed full of beautiful illustrations, we begin with the very basics of drawing techniques, from description of use and simple mark making with pencil or graphite onto using carbon sticks and ink, each accompanied by many varied depictions where he tells us what media was used for each, and very importantly, what technique was used. All these details help the reader to understand the process of selecting media and technique to render the drawing they want to achieve. The section on portraits covers small details like hands, eyes and placement of features, all necessary to achieve a lifelike rendition through to full figures, both clothed and naked. The book is full of details such as anatomy of figures, and how to find the correct proportions to the fall of fabric on clothed figures, again in great detail and easy to follow. Scenery is covered in the same in depth way, from linear and aerial perspective, light and shade, tonal work and use of source material. All sections come with the same incredibly detailed illustration showing use of media and methods. If you want just one book to learn or improve your drawing skills, and draw well then this is the book for you. Its packed full of all the essentials you need to learn to create realistic 3d images in a 2d media.

Nov 09

Most of this first appeared as Giovanni Civardis Complete Guide to Drawing, but this smaller format edition also includes the volume on The Nude.

Its a sound introduction to drawing in pencil and the smaller page size makes it more manageable, but also means that you have to strain slightly to read the text, which has also been reduced. The style is best described as classic, meaning that its all well done, but perhaps slightly dated. If you dont mind that, and its the technique thats more important to you, then this is a book its hard to better. If your eyesights not 100%, however, best buy a pair of stronger reading glasses as well.

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