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  • Publisher: Search Press
  • Edition: BC Paperback
  • Publication: 26 March 2021
  • ISBN 13/EAN: 9781782217992
  • Carton Qty: 12
  • Size: 210x295 mm
  • Illustrations: 240
  • Pages: 240
  • RRP: $23.95
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Drawing Animals Using Grids


by Giovanni Civardi

Edelweiss Buy Now
Book Description

Learn how to use the grid technique to draw accurate sketches of your cats, dogs and horse from photographs and more, with the help of master artist Giovanni Civardi.

If you have often struggled to draw animals, from master artist Giovanni Civardi comes this highly visual beginners guide to drawing dogs, cats and horses using the traditional grid technique a method that makes the first stages of drawing simple and achievable.

Giovanni Civardi shows you how to create an accurate pencil sketch of the subject by laying a grid over a photo or drawing and transferring the image to the drawing surface one square at a time.

Beginning with a summary of animal anatomy and basic drawing techniques, this book contains over 90 outlines of dogs, cat and horses in a range of static and moving poses, with guidance on how to add shading and tonal effects to create more detailed finished drawings.

Table of Contents

What is the grid method?4

Drawing dogs6
- Introduction7
- Anatomy8
- External morphology10
- Proportions and perspective16
- Approaches to drawing18
- Dog gallery20

Drawing Horses86
- Introduction87
- Anatomy88
- External morphology90
- Proportions and perspective93
- Approaches to drawing94
- Horse gallery96
- Horse and man162

Drawing cats164
- Introduction165
- Anatomy166
- External morphology168
- Proportions and perspective171
- Approaches to drawing172
- Cat gallery174

About the Author

About Giovanni Civardi

Giovanni Civardi is a best-selling Italian artist and author, with over 600,000 copies of his books sold worldwide in English alone. Civardi was born in Milan, Italy in 1947. While training to become a sculptor, portrait artist and illustrator at the Free Life-Study School of the Accademia di Brera, he also studied medicine and surgery. For over a decade, he worked as an illustrator, producing commissions for newspapers, magazines and book covers. During frequent trips to France and Denmark, Civardi put on one-man exhibitions of this work and pursued his interest in studying the relationship between medical anatomy and the human form as depicted by the artist. His experience gained from teaching anatomy, life drawing and portraiture in schools and institutions over many years has led to the publication of numerous books in which Civardi's experiences are brought into focus. For more work and information visit his website:


The Artist

Giovanni Civardi is nothing if not prolific, but the continuing popularity of his books testifies to their quality and the Drawing with Grids series offers an interesting take on a variety of subjects. Animals and People have just appeared and deal with tricky subjects in a particularly straightforward way. The main instructional pages cover a single subject in a single spread, with the basic grid and simple progressive stages from outline to tonal studies. Each book contains an excellent variety of material.

The idea behind this series is simple and easy to comprehend it does what it says on the tin. Each subject is overlaid by a co-ordinated grid, so that all the main points of shape and composition can easily be transferred the finished image. Its a long-established and well-tested technique that simply works.

What makes these volumes particularly useful, as well as the quality of the illustrations, is the amount of background material structure, anatomy and features that prefaces each set of drawings. In the animals volume, these are not just general but applied to each type so, dogs, horses, cats. When it comes to people, these are structure, movement and posture. The main sections here divide into character, babies and children, and figures in action.


Top quality drawing book with plenty of projects to try.

240 pages of well presented drawings of animals using grids. A good quality book with plenty of hints and tips to try, this will keep me occupied for many months trying all the ideas out. The pictures are broken down into shape and size, structure and proportions, volume and shadows, including tonal study to help.

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Also by this author:


By Giovanni Civardi

Art of Drawing: Drawing Pets

By Giovanni Civardi