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  • Publisher: Search Press
  • Edition: BC Paperback with flaps
  • Publication: 12 October 2018
  • ISBN 13/EAN: 9781782217053
  • Carton Qty:
  • Size: 193x260 mm
  • Illustrations: 600
  • Pages: 112
  • RRP: $24.95
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Freestyle Embroidered Mandalas


More than 60 stitches and techniques in inspiring combinations by Hazel Blomkamp & Di Van Niekerk

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Book Description

In this unique book, master embroiderers Hazel Blomkamp and Di van Niekerk have come together with fine artist Monique Day-Wilde to create a collection of luminous designs inspired by the beauty and mysticism of mandalas.

Using Monique’s original mandala designs as their templates, Hazel and Di have adorned the rounded outlines with creative surface embroidery using a wide range of stitches and techniques resulting in stunning combinations. From simple, monochromatic line patterns to colourful and flamboyant bead-and-thread fusions, the embroidered mandalas will inspire and delight everyone from beginners to the most experienced.

Throughout the book the authors share plenty of ideas and tips, and offer instruction with a fresh approach to surface embroidery. There is a complete stitch gallery with illustrations and instructions for all the stitches and techniques used including old favourites, such as simple back- and chain stitches, as well as the more intricate needle lace, trellis couching and weaving. Beadwork is also explored to add sparkle and finishing touches, and special effects are created by incorporating the occasional bit of trapunto, ribbon embroidery and appliqué.

Both line and colour templates of the designs are included, with a detailed stitch diagram and list of threads and materials for every project. A selection of templates also show different embroidery treatments to illustrate how versatile the designs are. 

Fall into a captivating treasure trove of whorled stitches and silk, and discover the beautiful world designed by these renowned artists of needle and brush.

Table of Contents

Introduction 4

Materials and how to use them 6

Mandalas 1268
- Designs vary from quietly stunning designs inspired by traditional motifs, through to stark and modern monochrome palettes and mesmerising seashore patterns

Gallery of stitches 69

Templates 88

About the Author

About Hazel Blomkamp

Hazel Blomkamp has taught embroidery and beadwork in South Africa for over 20 years. She is the author of Crewel TwistsCrewel IntentionsCrewel CreaturesHand-Stitched Crazy Patchwork, two stitch guide books  Needle Lace Techniques and Needle Weaving Techniques  and has collaborated on Freestyle Embroidered Mandalas with Di van Niekerk and Monique Day-Wilde. She is a regular contributor to local and overseas publications. Hazel runs a busy website from home, providing embroidery kits and supplies to the four corners of the earth. Travelling extensively both around South Africa and abroad to teach and promote her work, she is regularly invited to teach at international conventions. Her teaching has taken her to Australia, New Zealand, Western and Eastern Europe, North America and Asia.

About Di Van Niekerk

An artistically inclined mother and a keen interest in all things beautiful got Di van Niekerk off to an early start as an embroiderer. Her love for this discipline soon became her livelihood and starting an embroidery business was just another natural progression for this talented crafter. She opened her first shop in the Natal Midlands and when the family decided to uproot and move to Johannesburg, along went the business. After four years of running one of Johannesburg's most successful embroidery shops, the family's urge to settle in Cape Town became too strong to ignore. Di now lives in the Mother City of South Africa where she runs two successful embroidery shops. The end product of her latest interest, hand painting her own range of silk and organza ribbons for embroidery, is marketed to retail outlets worldwide. Visit her website


Customer review

A very detailed book showing some beautiful designs. It gives plenty of explanation into how to create each design and examples of the different stitches required. I'm a keen sewing and think this book will challenge and encourage me into learning a broader range of techniques. Perfect for anyone wanted to develop their stitching skills and take it to a higher level.

Customer review

A well thought-out and structured book with beautiful designs, I like the fact that the book is broken-down into sections, the first part focusing on materials, then come the designs, followed by a gallery of the stitches and techniques used (so good), ending with templates of the designs in colour and black and white. I am a total beginner and so it has been very slow going but I am able to follow the patterns and hopefully will get quicker as I go.

Customer review

It is sumptuous and for practised embroiderers a feast of stitches in a beautifully styled way. I had crocheted mandalas before but hadn't thought to embroider one. Transferring the designs onto fabric is clearly explained and you have the opportunity to use the already coloured prints too which is a bit different! As my first foray I chose to make the central designs of both Wax Flower and Sweetheart in red embroidery thread on calico to get myself started. These were liked so much by my Aussie pal that she cadged them off me and they are even now en route to Au! I intend to make more of just the central designs themselves in red thread rather than multi coloured and can see the patterns will lend themselves to red/white, blue/white and black/white beautifully, so a good resource book of designs to have at your fingertips!

Customer review

This is a beautiful book. The first section covers the materials and how to use them. It also gives clear instructions on different methods of transferring the designs to the fabric. The second section has details of each of the mandalas, with beautiful photographs of the finished pieces, prints of the original artwork and a clear key to the stitches and threads used for each section. It also includes a short paragraph about the inspiration behind the designs. The third section contains a stitch library with clear diagrams and instructions for the stitches used. The last section contains both colour prints and black and white templates to copy and enlarge.

Postcard Reviews

What I love about this beautiful book is that not only can I indulge in my love of embroidery but it also gives me the opportunity to try new things.

Colouring, beading and other stunning techniques can be incorporated to make a wonderful design. The intricacy of each pattern is two things.. they are beautiful and on closer inspection they are simple. This makes them easy for beginner embroiderers and gives advanced stitchers the chance to develop skills and add a more personal touch to their design.

This is a brilliant teaching tool. The instructions are easy to understand and each project is given a skill level: beginner, intermediate and advanced.

There are templates to copy, and each project comes with a DMC colour recommendation. Of course there is no reason why you cannot use your own choice of thread and colour scheme.

The finished designs are beautifully photographed and this is a book filled with embroidery inspiration. It really is beautiful.

Stitch twenty-seven beautiful mandalas using the gorgeous drawings of Monique Day-Wilde married to the sewing skills of Hazle Blomkamp and Di van Niekerk. Using a combination of freestyle stitches plus some other needlecrafts you can bring these designs to life and use them to adorn your home and wardrobe.

Mandalas and embroidery a wonderful combination! This book brings needlecrafts into the 21st century with an option of coloured prints as well as line drawings plus all the materials you can find from floss to beads. Stitch on plain cloth or try the latest embroidery style by stitching on patterned fabric and augment your work with ribbon, trapunto and appliqué. The mandalas range from the abstract to those featuring real motifs such as shells, flowers, feathers, stars, snowflakes and more. Some are seasonal, and three are sea inspired which pleased me! The book states that it is ideal for rank beginners as well as experienced stitchers, not a claim I would make; improver level upwards as there is too much for a newbie to cope with. However, the stitch and technique diagrams are very easy to read so a beginner could certainly learn freestyle embroidery from this book. Each project has a list of what you need, a large photograph of the finished design and written instructions. The numbers correspond with numbers on one of more diagrams so you know what goes where. Projects are also graded from 1-3 for difficulty and a finished size is given in metric and imperial. The mandalas range from 5½ to 11 and some are shown worked using the plain line patterns while others show what you can do with a coloured pattern. Instructions are given on how to do both methods; you will need a special type of iron-on paper or a copy shop for the coloured variety, and all patterns need enlarging. As I said earlier, this is a book of modern embroidery so some technology is required alongside the needles and thread. A beautiful book for the keeper shelf.

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Also by this author:

Crewel Intentions

By Hazel Blomkamp

Crewel Birds

By Hazel Blomkamp

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