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  • Publisher: Search Press
  • Edition: BB Hardback
  • Publication: 06 September 2017
  • ISBN 13/EAN: 9781782215172
  • Carton Qty:
  • Size: 148x210 mm
  • Illustrations: 150
  • Pages: 112
  • RRP: $19.95
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Needle Weaving Techniques for Hand Embroidery


by Hazel Blomkamp

Edelweiss Buy Now
Book Description

Over 40 needle weaving techniques and patterns in one handy stitch book by renowned embroiderer Hazel Blomkamp.

Working from numerous traditional loom weaving graphs and patterns, Hazel Blomkamp has updated, modified and documented 42 techniques, providing you with the basic weaving methods needed to create stunning embroidered pieces.

Beginning with general information and tips on the weaving technique, Hazel’s book then dives straight into the stitches, which she breaks down into detailed, helpful steps. Each weaving pattern is accompanied by a clear diagram and at least one photographed example of one of Hazel’s beautiful woven pieces, giving you that extra visual reference as you work.

All the stitches have been detailed on one side of the page only, allowing you to place your magnetic cross-stitch board underneath. You can then use the magnetic rulers that come with the board to mark the row that you are working on, making the instructions easier to follow. The spine is wire-bound, allowing the pages to lie flat while you work, and the book’s notebook-size fits perfectly in a work bag for easy transportation while stitching on the go.

With all the stitches needed for needle weaving embroidery at their fingertips, both new and experienced embroiderers will find inspiration from this invaluable resource.

Table of Contents

Basic information and tips
How to read the instructions
Getting started
Warp stitches
Weft stitches
Keeping the pattern intact
General tips for working weft stitches
Basic weaving stitches
Checks and stripes
Braids and edges

About the Author

About Hazel Blomkamp

Hazel Blomkamp has taught embroidery and beadwork in South Africa for over 20 years. She is the author of Crewel TwistsCrewel IntentionsCrewel CreaturesHand-Stitched Crazy Patchwork, two stitch guide books  Needle Lace Techniques and Needle Weaving Techniques  and has collaborated on Freestyle Embroidered Mandalas with Di van Niekerk and Monique Day-Wilde. She is a regular contributor to local and overseas publications. Hazel runs a busy website from home, providing embroidery kits and supplies to the four corners of the earth. Travelling extensively both around South Africa and abroad to teach and promote her work, she is regularly invited to teach at international conventions. Her teaching has taken her to Australia, New Zealand, Western and Eastern Europe, North America and Asia.


Mary Corbet Needle n Thread

<p/><i>About the Search Press edition: </i> The wire binding allows the book to lie flat on open on your work table, so that you can easily reference the book while you're stitching. <p/>This type of binding allows for printing on the spine, so that it's easy to see the title of the book while it's on the shelf, but it offers all the convenience of a wire-bound book, when it comes to using the book. The books are hard board covers with a glossy finish. They're very sturdy, and they're small enough to slip into a project back or basket for easy reference. <p/>On the new editions, you'll find that only one side of each two-page spread is printed, so that there's a blank page to the left each time you turn the page. While it's tempting to write this off as wasted space in the printed books, in fact, if you're using instructional books as a work book, there's nothing better than blank pages. This is where you can take notes on things that work (or don't work) for you while practicing the techniques, and where you can work out your own stitch patterns and save them for future reference. <p/>I've always been a fan of having at least one blank page in instructional books, for note-taking. Since most books don't have blank pages in them, I resort to an inordinate amount of post-it notes, which are never really permanent, and can be hard to keep track of. With blank pages throughout these two books, you can truly treat them like work books, with the instruction on one side and room to note your own experiences and experiments on the other. <p/>

-- From Needle n Thread by Mary Corbet, full review:

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If you haven't seen needle weaving and fancied a go at it but wondered how it was done, this book is for you. This book is easy to work from because it has a spiral spine and stays obligingly flat while you get to grips with the projects. I say projects but the forty patterns in here are the needle weaving equivalent of embroidery stitches and you will need an application for them. If you are a total beginner to the rich and involving world of embroidery this would not be a good place to start, but if you are more experienced and want to fill spaces with interesting textures there are plenty in here.

All are variations of the same simple weaving technique which uses a needle instead of a shuttle, and are not hard to master.

The book opens with a page of tips and basic information, how to get started and read the patterns. Have a go first at single weaving with one thread, progress to double and then a combination of the two before trying out some more involved patterns. These are checks and stripes in the main to start, but then you can progress to some more complex and larger patterns. One of these includes musical notes, while others have a texture to them and there are also some flat braids to make for edgings. I remember making one of these for a hair band when I was a child so they can be quite versatile. Each pattern is shown in color with warp and weft threads differing for easy reading; written instructions are kept to a minimum and can easily be worked out. They use a simple code (eg 02, U1 = go over the first two stitches, go under the next one) and have a table showing how many threads you need of each color and how amny rows until you repeat the pattern. Each pattern also shows a couple of small inset photographs of how the pattern can be used. A useful book that got the point quickly and soon had me weaving away like a pro!

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Also by this author:

Crewel Birds

By Hazel Blomkamp

Freestyle Embroidered Mandalas

By Hazel Blomkamp & Di Van Niekerk