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  • Publisher: Search Press
  • Edition: BC Paperback
  • Publication: 10 November 2017
  • ISBN 13/EAN: 9781782216049
  • Carton Qty: 20
  • Size: 222x222 mm
  • Illustrations: 300
  • Pages: 176
  • RRP: $23.95
  • Series: Encyclopedia of
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The Encyclopedia of Watercolour Techniques


A unique visual directory of watercolour painting techniques, with guidance on how to use them by Hazel Harrison

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Book Description

A new, up-to-date edition of the popular and comprehensive encyclopedia to watercolour painting by professional artist, Hazel Harrison.

A new, up-to-date edition of the popular and comprehensive encyclopedia by professional artist Hazel Harrison.

Ideal for artists of all skill levels, this exhaustive reference covers a multitude of areas concerning watercolour. The book is divided into three sections: the first covers the essential materials and tools you need to get you started on your watercolour journey, and how to set up your indoor and outdoor working spaces. The second provides step-by-step demonstrations that guide artists through a variety of techniques, from basic washes through to creating special effects using salt and wax resist. The third and final part tackles picture composition, from guiding readers on how to choose their palette and how to work with different lights, to understanding important concepts such as perspective and spatial depth.

This resource provides a wealth of stimulating ideas to help artists both amateurs and veterans develop their own impressive watercolour painting style.

Table of Contents

Introducing watercolour
Tools and materials
Picture making
Index and credits

About the Author

About Hazel Harrison

Hazel Harrison is a practising artist who works in all painting media, often using her own photographs as a source of reference. She studied painting at the Guildford School of Art and the Royal Academy of Painting in London. Hazel lives in a small village in the Peak District, and divides her time between painting and writing art instruction books.


A new edition of this watercolour painting classic. This reference book is so handy for tips, techniques and seeing wonderful finished work too. The examples of work are very well selected. Enhance or develop your own skills with practical advice. The step-by-step demonstrations allow you to use this medium to the full. This visual directory guides you through all you need to know about watercolour painting. It covers tools and techniques, picture making and themes - animals. buildings, people, flowers, landscape and still life. Highly recommended if you do not already have it.

The Leisure Painter

March 2018

A new updated edition of the very popular Encyclopedia of Watercolour Techniques Hazel Harrison has been published. Packed full with step-by-step projects, techniques and tricks of the trade, the 176 pages provide a comprehensive encyclopediafor artists of all levels. This edition includes a range of works by internationally recognised artists.

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