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It’s apparent that lockdown has inspired a revolution in art and crafts, but isolation has and continues to take its toll on the nation’s mental health. Often our thoughts and feelings can be overwhelming and are largely outside of our conscious control. Art therapy programmes have demonstrated that art and crafts provide a safe space for reflection and allow us to limit the impact of distressing thoughts and feelings, as well as reduce the stress we all experience in everyday life.

Art and crafts are great mood boosters and a fantastic way to quieten your mind and bring joy to yourself and your community. Therefore, we wanted to share with you our top picks for mindful making, guaranteed to help you slow down and make, moment by moment!

Top Picks for Mindful Making

Making Candles
20 easy projects for a relaxing home
By Sarah Ditchfield

If you are looking for a craft that you can truly immerse yourself in, you’re in the right place with candle making. Making Candles is the perfect beginner’s introduction to a craft with endless possibilities.

Simple instructions and step-by-step photographs accompany every candle project that range from simple taper candles to show-stopping ice pillars. Not only are candles a self-care essential, but the process of making your own is also made soothing and simple with sections on the essential tools and materials you’ll need, along with handy measuring and heating charts.

Your creations will be the perfect thoughtful gift for those in need of a little TLC.


Making Candles is £9.99 and available to buy here.

Paint Yourself Positive
Colourful creative watercolour
By Jean Haines

This book isn’t just for artists. Best-selling artist and author Jean Haines takes you on an exciting journey through painting even if you’ve never so much as picked up a paint brush. Paint Yourself Positive gives you the freedom to play with colour and dive into a creative world free from the stresses of modern life.

Painting can be a calming hobby, but it can also be an energising and uplifting one, as beautifully demonstrated in this book. Follow the step-by-step projects to gain confidence and then leap into painting without fear and with joy.


Paint Yourself Positive is £25 and available to buy here.


Paint Yourself Calm
Colourful, creative mindfulness through watercolour
By Jean Haines

Watercolour is a versatile medium and is uniquely suited to meditative painting. Paint Yourself Calm sees master artist Jean Haines guide you on a peaceful journey to finding joy in the process of creating.

Wipe away worries with the slow spread of colour and the gentle strokes of your brush across paper.

With no judgement or end goal but enjoying the journey, this book is the perfect guide to creative mindfulness through watercolour.


Paint Yourself Calm is £15.99 and available to buy here.

Cross Stitch for the Soul
20 designs to inspire
By Emma Congdon

Leading cross stitch designer Emma Congdon brings us this treasure trove of beautifully designed motivational quotes to cross stitch. Rendered in easy cross-stitching techniques, these designs are guaranteed to raise your spirits both during the making process and as inspirational keepsakes.

We all need a little pick-me-up every now and again, and a glance at these bright and modern works hanging on the wall is sure to put a smile on your face.

Craft some comfort and confidence with Cross Stitch for the Soul and put a more positive spin on life, one stitch at a time!


Cross Stitch for the Soul is £16.99 and available to buy here.

Elemental Macramé
20 macramé and crystal projects for balance and beauty
By Rebecca Millar

No matter what your beliefs, the idea of the five elements is a universal concept, one that people of many belief systems have held sacred in order to ground and aid them for generations.

This unique and enticing book encourages you to embrace each of Earth’s elements with gorgeous macramé projects that even beginners can tackle with ease. Using the colours and stones associated with each element the striking wall hangings, bracelets, dreamcatchers, and plant hangers harness each element’s innate properties.

With 20 projects to choose from, you will find a whole host of ways to enjoy macramé in a new intentional, spiritual light.


Elemental Macramé is £15.99 and available to buy here.

Sewing for the Soul
Simple sewing patterns and recipes to lift the spirits
By Jules Fallon

Sewing is good for the soul and this collection of 10 easy-to-wear garments form the basis of slow sewing projects that will truly soothe you. Sewing for the Soul takes you through the year, season by season, offering a slow sewing project, a quick sewing project and a hand stitching or variant project for each.

What makes this sewing book truly unique is the smattering of delicious recipes sprinkled throughout it. Bake a refreshing Drizzle Cake or craft the ‘Mullered Wine’ and sip as you sew!

Beyond the patterns and recipes, this book is about the power of sewing to help you relax and unwind.


Sewing for the Soul is £19.99 and available to buy here.

If you like our top picks be sure to check out our full range of mindful art and craft titles here.