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Get into the festive spirit with Sarah-Jane Hick's brand new book, Amigurumi Christmas, which contains 20 cute kawaii crochet projects! We caught up with Sarah-Jane for a chat about her projects and her crocheting journey.

First of all, how are you Sarah-Jane and how are you coping with everything that’s happening?

I’m good thanks, I’m fairly lucky in that not too much has changed for my family in all that is going on, though it can feel a bit surreal at times. One thing I’m very pleased about was to have had my book published despite all that has happened this year.

We’re very exciting about your brand new book Amigurumi Christmas! You have designed some super kawaii projects, which design is your favourite? Which one was the most fun to create?

I’m very excited too! My favourite has to be the angel, I had images of retro Christmas tree angels in mind when I created her, the kind from the 1960s and I always have an angel on top of my Christmas tree each year. Some of the most fun to create were the pigs in blankets with their cute faces and bacon wrapping.

Angel from Amigurumi Christmas  Pigs in Blankets from Amigurumi Christmas Reindeer from Amigurumi Christmas
Angel, Pigs in Blankets and Reindeer projects from the book

How does it feel to publish your first book with us?

Amazing I can’t quite believe it happened. I really enjoyed the whole experience and would love to do more.

Tell us a bit about yourself and your company Flo & Dot?

I was taught to crochet at an early age, but it wasn’t until around eight or nine years ago I picked up my hook again. I discovered you could crochet just about anything, not just doilies and it kind of went from there. The inspiration to call myself Flo & Dot came from my two nans, Florence and Dorothy, they came from a generation of makers, often to be found with needles or hook in hand, knitting, crocheting or sewing. It’s not much of a company really just me selling few patterns in my Etsy shop online and also working as a freelance designer.

Flo & Dot storefront
Flo & Dot's Etsy storefront

Where do you find inspiration for your designs?

I find my inspiration anywhere and everywhere; nature, everyday items, childhood memories. My designs tend to be a bit of an eclectic mix and I do have a weakness for a vintage pattern.

Do you have a favourite room at home to work in?

No real favourite, I tend to move around the house depending on what I’m doing, from sitting at the kitchen table when on my computer writing patterns, to sitting in the garden, lounge or bedroom whilst designing and crocheting. I have a small desk in the spare room where I sometime sit too but have dreams of a proper craft shed one day….

Are the projects suitable for beginners?

Yes I think so; if you’ve picked up the basics of crochet in the round, mastered colour changes and the various increases and decreases, you can make more or less anything you’d like from the book. I like my patterns to be simple and easy to make.

The basic tools you will need to start crocheting!
The basic tools you will need to start crocheting!

Do you have any tips for beginners?

Just give it a go, start small and don’t be afraid to make mistakes, if it doesn’t work out the first time it’s really easy to pull it out and start again. And if you’re crocheting in the round stitch markers come in really handy, you don’t want to lose your place.

Crocheting techniques
Discover crocheting techniques

How long does it take you to complete an average piece (from the book) from start to finish?

Some of the smaller projects may only take an evening. Though, if you’re anything like me, getting the faces right can take a bit longer. Other projects may take a couple of evenings or more, but if you start now you could definitely have them all done by Christmas 2020!

Amigurumi Christmas projects
Cute kawaii projects from Amigurumi Christmas

What are you working on at the moment?

I’m currently working on a few commissions for crochet magazines and one for a craft company for next year.

Do you have any exciting plans for 2020?

Well, I have just signed a contract with yourselves for another book so that is very exciting! Stay tuned for more details.

Sarah-Jane's book, Amigurumi Christmas is now available from Search Press, RRP £9.99.

Amigurumi Christmas

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