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To celebrate the 2nd anniversary of the Half Yard Sewing Club we caught up with Debbie Shore to learn what the club is about, how you can sign up, and what goodies are in store for you. Read on to find out!

First of all Debbie, I want to wish the Half Yard Sewing Club a happy second birthday! 
For those that do not know about the Club can you tell us a little bit about it and why you started it?

The Half Yard Sewing Club is a growing community of like-minded people who love sewing! For a monthly subscription, members receive three projects, including a block of the month, the main project has an instructional video. I launched the Club to inspire and educate all levels of sewers, and create a place where we can share ideas, ask questions and encourage those who have lost their sewing mojo!

 Half Yard Sewing Club
Debbie Shore

Are the designs featured in the Club from your books?

The projects are all new, designed by me, and are different to any projects in my books.


What are the benefits of joining the Club?

Not only will the customer have new projects and ideas each month, the site has a growing resource section with hints, tips and techniques, some with videos, that cover anything from hand embroidery to dressmaking. No matter if you're a first tie or experienced sewer, there's always something to learn! There are special offers and discounts, and I host a live Facebook chat on the last Saturday of the month where I can personally answer any questions.

How much is it to join and where can I join?

Visit to join the Club. Membership costs just £5.99/US$9.95 a month, or get a whole year's membership for just £60/US$99.

To celebrate our birthday we're offering Search Press readers one month's FREE trial, use the special code BIRTHDAY2 when you join with a monthly subscription. If you do not want to pay for a membership you can simply cancel before the month is up! Simple!

You have also designed three new patterns for the Club, Elizabeth, Rosemary and Shelley bags. Can you tell us a little about them?


These beautiful bags have been designed alongside Bosal Foam pre-cut shapes, so sewing is as easy as it can possibly be! Each pattern pack contains full-size patterns, an eight-page step-by-step instruction booklet, and a unique link to a downloadable video tutorial on how to make the bag.

What made you design these new patterns?

I came up with an idea to make bag-making easy, and approached Bosal to see if they'd be interested, and thankfully they were really excited about my idea!

What’s different about the patterns?

You use the patterns with the Bosal foam, not the fabric. This means you have complete accuracy and don't have to worry too much about seam allowances, as you sew around the edge of the foam shape. It makes sewing curves and darts so much easier!

Are they completely new bag patterns?

Every pattern I create is different; for instance I've designed a few satchels and shoppers, but the dimensions and techniques are always different. I don't want any two bags to be the same.

 Satchels  Tote bag

Do you have to use the Bosal foam?

Bosal foam works best for the structure of these bags. You could use a fusible fleece but the bags would be a lot softer.

 What are you working on now?

Our rag doll, Maddie, needs a friend and a whole new wardrobe! And on a different theme, the block of the month for 2021 is now underway!

 Maddie Doll 

Dare we ask – Any exciting plans for 2020?

More interesting and exciting projects for the Club! I'm also working on my next book, Essential Skills for Dressmakers, which is part of my new Sewing Room Secrets series, that will be out in February 2021. The first two books in the series Quilting and Machine Sewing are available now!

To celebrate the 2nd anniversary of the Half Yard Sewing Club we're giving away a complete set of bag patterns by Debbie! For a chance to WIN, enter the competition on our Instagram page.

Birthday Bear