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With Valentine's Day just around the corner, why not give a personalized gift this year? We've picked out some of our favourite books that include crafty Valentine's projects, which are a great way to show that special someone how much you care! 

Love to Sew: Hanging Hearts

Love to Sew: Hanging Hearts

Spread the love with these colourful hearts, which brighten up the room and make fantastic gifts – if you can bear to part with them! Learn how to make a range of hearts with the help of easy-to-use templates.
RRP £7.99

20 to Make: Crocheted Hearts

20 to Make: Crocheted Hearts

With 20 designs to make, crocheters will be in their element! Why not make a heart-shaped pincushion or a colourful heart rug? Suitable for novice and experienced crocheters, this is a great way to add a personal touch this Valentine's Day.
RRP £4.99

Sew Bunting

Sew Bunting

Debbie Shore has come up with a range of imaginative bunting designs which are perfect for special occasions. Why not try your hand at the romantic Valentine bunting? All you need is a sewing machine and a basic sewing kit, and you'll have this project sewn up in no time, even if you are a complete beginner!

RRP £9.99

20 to Papercraft: Papercuts

20 to Papercraft: Papercuts

Choose which to make first with these 20 stunning designs from Paper Panda's expert papercutter, Louise Firchau. Use the full-size templates to produce a love heart or a heart bookmark; you can even make a papercut bouquet picture!
RRP £4.99

20 to Make: Modern Needlepoint

20 to Make: Modern Needlepoint

Make a special needlepoint card this Valentine's Day! Follow the hearts and circles pattern and mount it on a card backing to create the perfect personalized gift.
RRP £4.99

We hope you are feeling motivated to get creative this Valentine's Day! There are plenty of projects to inspire you, or books that make great presents for loved ones. For more gift ideas and projects, check out our Pinterest board.

Valentine's Pinterest board

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