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2020 is a big year for Search Press as we celebrate our 50th anniversary! To mark the occasion, we will be running plenty of giveaways and competitions as well as offering special golden tickets each month throughout the year! Find the golden ticket in your order and you will win £50 worth of fantastic Search Press books!

Not only that, we'll be attending art and craft shows up and down the country. Please come and say 'hello' – you might even be the lucky winner of one of our prize draws. To see where we will be, visit our events page.

We have also delved into our archives, and are giving away free pdf downloads of some of the titles that made Search Press the success it is today! With 50 books up for grabs, there is something for every crafter and artist to enjoy. Why not try your hand at basket weaving with the first book that we published, or hone your sketching skills with Clifford Bayly's Drawing Buildings and Towns? You could even have a go at some of the quirkier crafts we have to offer, such as making bread dough flowers, modelling in aluminium foilcreating leaf creatures or even producing your own cheeses!

Basket WeavingDrawing Buildings and TownsHow to Make Bread Dough FlowersFun With FoilA Leaf ZooSoft Cheeses

Check out the full range on our 50th anniversary page and let us know how you get on with the projects on our Facebook, Twitter or Instagram channels!