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  • Publisher: Search Press
  • Edition: BC Paperback
  • Publication: 24 August 2012
  • ISBN 13/EAN: 9781844488711
  • Carton Qty:
  • Size: 216x292 mm
  • Illustrations: 0
  • Pages: 32
  • RRP: $9.95
  • Series: How to Draw
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How to Draw: Dinosaurs


in simple steps by Dandi Palmer

Edelweiss Buy Now
Book Description

The step-by-step way to learn how to draw a fantastic collection of dinosaurs. There is no text - just simple shapes built up in clear stages little by little. This visual and practical approach will have you reaching for your drawing tools time and time again. Here you will find all kinds wonderful thunder beasts from browsing plant eaters like the Amargasaurus and Diplodocus, to fearsome flesh eaters like the Tyrannosaurus and Carnotaurus. Included are giant creatures, flying reptiles and weird and wonderful dinosaurs like the Stegosaurus and Triceratops and there many more. The two-colour line illustrations make the drawing process simple, highlighting every stage and final images show what colours the dinosaurs may have been. You do not have to know how to draw to use this book. Rather the projects will build up your skills and give you the confidence you need to create your own drawings. Experienced artists will find this book useful too. It is a great source of ideas and an inspiration for anyone wanting to draw these fascinating creatures.

Table of Contents

Simple two-colour step-by-step drawing method
Dinosaurs of all descriptions in a variety of poses
Great for absolute beginners or any artists wanting to brush up their drawing skills

About the Author

About Dandi Palmer

Dandi Palmer has been a professional illustrator for over forty years. She has been commissioned by many publications including the Radio Times, BBC Focus, Prima and UNESCO.

On her website you will find a selection of her work including picture books for children, and science fiction, fiction and supernatural/fantasy stories for adults, written under the name of Jane Palmer on


Feb 13

Since people first started finding the bones of these long dead creatures, dinosaurs have held a fascination. Our love of monsters and fabulous beasties is well served by these animals that once trod the earth millions of years ago and with new ones being unearthed all the time this is very much a live subject. Capture these amazing creatures on paper with this helpful book. This is the latest entry in the series that shows in six stages how to create a drawing from a few shapes to the finished graphite pencil or colored drawing stage. Helpfully, each step shows the earlier lines in green with new details added in purple, ensuring that you can see what is happening at each stage and thus be inspired to have a go yourself. These pages are bare of words, but then they are not really needed as the drawings speak for themselves. There is a one page introduction, explaining the use of color and a few other things, but I for one never feel the lack of language in these books. My one beef is usually that I would prefer one more stage between #4 and #5 but this time the six stages are sufficient. Ms. Palmer has chosen a linear style that would suit a graphic novel well and the final stage merely shows it inked in and colored pencil added in whatever colors the artist wishes. This makes it possibly the best book to date in the series for total beginners, and I can imagine many children having a ball with it on a rainy afternoon. The dinosaurs are in alphabetical order, and contain many old favorites such as Tyrannosaurus Rex, Velociraptor and Archaeopteryx as well as newcomers like Spinosaurus and Amargasaurus. There are studies of just heads, fighting stances, waving tails and even feathery bodies in a wide variety of colors, although none of them impossibly gaudy. A useful and appealing book on a subject oddly not often covered in art books that ought to appeal to anybody who has a fascination for these creatures.

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