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  • Publisher: Search Press
  • Edition: BC Paperback
  • Publication: 15 September 2011
  • ISBN 13/EAN: 9781844487868
  • Carton Qty:
  • Size: 202x202 mm
  • Illustrations: 68
  • Pages: 96
  • RRP: $17.95
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Iris Quilting


by Maruscha Gaasenbeek

Edelweiss Buy Now
Book Description

16 beautiful quilting projects based on unique iris-folding designs.

Iris folding has been a popular papercraft for many years, and Maruscha Gaasenbeek’s beautiful designs have attracted many followers worldwide. Here, she applies her love of iris folding to her second love, quilting, and shows you how to create stunning quilts based on unique iris-folded designs. Iris quilting, as she has called it, requires just a few basic techniques, all of which are easily mastered by following the clear instructions in the book. There are 16 gorgeous designs to choose from that can be turned into wall hangings, tablemats, bags and cushion covers, in a range of styles and colours to suit both children and adults. Each project is accompanied by step-by-step instructions, templates and details of the fabrics and other materials needed, and the reader is encouraged to try out their own colour and fabric combinations in order to create a design that is uniquely theirs.

16 stunning quilting projects based on unique iris-folding designs.
Includes clear step-by-step instructions and templates.
Ideas and inspiration for quilted wall hangings, tablemats, bags and cushions in a range of colours and styles.

Table of Contents

16 stunning quilting projects based on unique iris-folding designs.
Includes clear step-by-step instructions and templates.
Ideas and inspiration for quilted wall hangings, tablemats, bags and cushions in a range of colours and styles.


Postcard Reviews

I have tried Iris folding with paper but never with fabric..
Iris quilting is a fabulous way a getting dramatic results for a beautiful  project.
Each project has templates and a step by step guide that is simple to follow. 
16 designs that vary in size, that are absolutely stunning are showcased and a wealth of information is included. 
I adored the Lullaby for a Hedgehog design, it is perfect for a table mat.  The colours of the fabric chosen for each design just shows how creative you can be by the clashing of prints and they are all truly amazing. A simple quilting technique that can be achieved by all levels of sewists. All you need is imagination, and you have a unique and beautiful item to use and admire.

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