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  • Publisher: Search Press
  • Edition: BC Paperback
  • Publication: 09 January 2012
  • ISBN 13/EAN: 9781844487677
  • Carton Qty:
  • Size: 216x280 mm
  • Illustrations: 100
  • Pages: 96
  • RRP: $29.95
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A Handbook of Indigo Dyeing


Re-issue by Vivien Prideaux

Edelweiss Buy Now
Book Description

Vivien Prideaux presents a stimulating and inspirational guide in which she shows how an amazing range rich and subtle blues can be created using indigo dye.

Beautiful pictures of wonderful dyed fabrics used in a variety of designs accompany detailed advice on the materials required, preparing the fabric and the dyeing methods. Using Shibori techniques - folding, pleating, clamping, stitching and pole wrapping, the author illustrates all the different stages, using clear step-by-step photographs and easy-to-follow text. A stunning sequence of inspirational projects have been specially chosen to develop skills and build confidence, with instructions on how to make a tea cosy, a jacket, a silk scarf and more.

Previously published as A Handbook of Indigo Dyeing 9780855329761

  • Easy-to-follow step-by-step photography showing all the techniques
  • Projects included

Table of Contents

  • Easy-to-follow step-by-step photography showing all the techniques
  • Projects included
About the Author

About Vivien Prideaux

Vivien Prideaux specialises in decorative and domestic textiles, made from natural fabrics and threads and dyed with fibre reactive, indigo and cochineal dyes. Vivien's work has been exhibited all over the British Isles, and in Japan and New Zealand. She is a member of the 62 Group of Textile Artists, and a life member of the Embroiderers' Guild. Notable commissions include the hangings in the foyer of the Hall for Cornwall, Truro; set and costume design for several Duchy Opera productions; and research and design for the Dyes and Plants exhibit at the Eden Project in Cornwall. Her work is held in collections at the International Fashion Foundation in Japan, the National Textile Collection at Hampton Court Palace, and at the Royal Cornwall Museum and Penlee House Museum in her native Cornwall.


Journal for Weavers, Spinners & Dyers

Winter 12/13

This is a reprint of the authors 2003 Handbook, updated as a result of research and travel in India, and mentioning Michel Garcias eco recipes and recent DVD. The colour and lay-out of this slim volume are attractive with large step- by-step photographs. Following the briefest history of indigo and woad, there are three inter-related sections. The first describes a variety of resist techniques mainly belonging to Japanese shibori: pleating, folding, stitching, binding, clamping and paste resist. All apply to fabric dyeing with a single paragraph only on yarns and no mention of ikat, despite a magnificent image of a Japanese ikat kimono. The second section deals with vat preparation and dyeing, each step illustrated by detailed photographs in numbered sequence. The zinc metal dust and lime vat is the one favoured by the author and recommended for its flexibility and reliability over time. The differences between protein and cellulose fibres in indigo dyeing are carefully stressed. The third section suggests some projects: a tea cosy, a cushion, a couple of simple jackets. The detailed instructions are intended to be followed to the letter to replicate the models given, rather than be inspirational. While novice dyers may be reassured by such prescriptive instructions throughout, other readers may find the picture book approach simplistic. In sharing her long experience with authority and confidence, the author passes on some valuable tips, such as the necessity of using twice as much natural indigo as synthetic for the same colour. But one may think that she has also reduced indigo dyeings complexity and mystery.


Sep/Oct 12

Vivien Prideauxs book on working with indigo is a comprehensive resource for anyone interested in using the famous blue pigment. Prideaux walks the reader through every step of the process including descriptions of shibori techniques that can be used when preparing the fabric. Her instructions are clear, with plenty of photographs. Instructions for several simple projects are also included.

July 12

This book is a very comprehensive guide to all the different types of Indigo Dyeing that can be done. From reading the book, you quickly understand that it is not something that you could undertake in an afternoon with pots and pans lying around in the cupboard; in fact, the most effective method that Vivien Prideaux has found involves a big plastic container and 20 litres of water. There is also a fair amount of serious chemical involvement, and plenty of protective clothing. It struck me that you would need to be fairly committed to undertaking this type of dyeing and be willing to use the right equipment even before you get started. Having said that, the book itself is a very full and informative guide. The history of the process, the different fibres and indigo dyes are all explained fully, and it is a very easy read. The instructions for dyeing (there are 3 different dye VATS to choose from) are set out with lots of photographs and instructions of how to prepare your fabric, and there are plenty of wonderful pictures of finished cloth, which would even tempt me despite knowing how much work it is to get there. There are even a couple of projects (ie cushion, tea cosy, scarf) to get you using your new collection of fabulous fabric. I think it would be a suitable book for those who are familiar (or have dabbled with) the process before and want to move to the next level.


Jun/Jul 12

The art of indigo dyeing dates back thousands of years; examples were found in the tombs of the ancient Egyptians and there are references to its use in the Bible. The practice of dyeing with Indigo, with is a dye derived from the plant of the same name, is an incredibly rich cultural tradition with each region of the world having its own unique methods and beliefs. Vivien shares her expertise as a dyer and also her mastery of shibori fabric resist techniques, showing the reader how a huge variety of wonderful effects can be produced by folding, stitching, binding and clamping fabric before dyeing. As the better weather approaches, this is certainly an interesting technique to try, just combine with a group of like-minded friends, a good lunch and the rest of the day will be full of surprises. Happy dyeing!

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