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  • Publisher: Search Press
  • Edition: BC Paperback
  • Publication: 02 December 2011
  • ISBN 13/EAN: 9781844485826
  • Carton Qty:
  • Size: 216x292 mm
  • Illustrations: 150
  • Pages: 64
  • RRP: $17.95
  • Series: How to Paint
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How to Paint: Flowers in Acrylics


by Tim Fisher

Edelweiss Buy Now
Book Description

Tim Fisher makes the most of the superbly versatile qualities of acrylics and demonstrates his own innovative and inspiring techniques for painting a gorgeous selection of popular flowers. The reader learns how to select the right paints and the best brushes for the great range of techniques, including negative painting, masking, washes, impasto methods, texturing and much more. There are richly illustrated sections on using colour and sketching and planning paintings, and many handy tips throughout. A fantastic book for artists of all skill levels who want to create atmosphere, experiment with colour and paint accomplished, beautiful paintings.

Table of Contents

Contains three comprehensive step-by-step demonstrations
Help with paints, brushes and other materials
Beautiful, clear photography

About the Author

About Tim Fisher

Tim Fisher was born in Leicestershire, UK, and has had a lifelong interest in art. He is well known for his love of colour and experimentation and works in a wide range of mediums. Many of his paintings have been produced as fine art prints and cards. Tim is a regular contributor to the 'Leisure Painter' magazine. He also runs workshops and painting holidays as well as demonstrating to art groups throughout the UK.

Follow Tim on Instagram @timfisherartist


May 12

The bright, durable pigments present in acrylic paints have become the one of the most flexible and versatile types of paint available to the modern artist. It can be used like oils, watercolours or even impasto. This makes it particularly ideal when painting flowers, creating an almost three dimensional quality. In this 'how to' book, Tim Fisher explains clearly which techniques to use when capturing the richness and delicate quality of flowers. From Black Eyed Susans to Hydrangas, poppies and wild roses; the range of flowers covered is quite wide. There are clear step by step photographs showing how to develop the paintings of each type of flower. Advice is given on composition and dealing with unexpected problems - he even shows mistakes that he himself made, and how they were overcome. A good solid introduction to the subject.


January 2012

At 64 pages, this is a compact guide and the length means that there's no space to fuss and rummage, which is perhaps the series' greatest strength. After a very basic introduction that includes some useful advice on choosing and mixing colours, the main meat of the book is a series of just three demonstrations of increasing complexity that will flex your creative muscles in this rewarding and forgiving medium. Tim paints mostly in an impasto style, so this is a book that will appeal to those who prefer oil to the watercolour way of working and, while it'll leave you wanting more, it answers a lot of questions that you'll have. There's also tie-in DVD from Teaching Art, so you can watch Tim in action.

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