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  • Publisher: Search Press
  • Edition: BC Paperback
  • Publication: 22 November 2010
  • ISBN 13/EAN: 9781844485734
  • Carton Qty: 70
  • Size: 215x292 mm
  • Illustrations: 150
  • Pages: 32
  • RRP: $9.95
  • Series: How to Draw
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How to Draw: Wild Animals


in simple steps by Jonathan Newey

Edelweiss Buy Now
Book Description

Learn how to draw a lion or a tiger. See how easy it is to draw an elephant. There is a great selection of wild animals in this book, including more big cats, zebra. a giraffe, a white rhino and a magnificent stag. Amazing results can be achieved in no time using Jonathan Newey's simple step-by-step techniques. From simple shapes to each final image, he demystifies the process, making drawing achievable and fun to do.

Table of Contents

  • From simple shapes to realistic drawings in easy stages
  • Popular subject
  • Extremely simple step-by-step drawing method
  • Great for absolute beginners or any artist wanting to brush up their drawing skills
About the Author

About Jonathan Newey

Jonathan Newey is an award-winning artist with extensive experience in many drawing and painting mediums including coloured pencil. He comes from a long line of artists in the family and studied art and design at the London College of Printing. He is a City & Guilds qualified teacher and has over 20 years' experience of teaching in adult education. He has many drawings and paintings in collections both nationally and internationally and has demonstrated for most of the top manufacturers in the UK. Jonathan is an active promoter of the coloured pencil as a serious drawing medium and is a founder member of the UK Coloured Pencil Society.


Jan 11

Animals are a perennially popular subject for artwork, whether it is a drawing of a favorite pet or a study of a wild animal. Learn how to capture those creatures on paper with this latest entry in Search Press popular How To Draw series.

The animals in here are all of the type you would find in a zoo, and you can take your pick from elephants, big cats, primates, meerkats, lemurs, rhinos and more. The author has a good understanding of what is popular from the animal kingdom right now (no dolphins but everything else) and you are sure to find some of your favorites in here. As with all the titles in this series the author devotes one page at the front of the book to tell you how to use the book and give ideas as to how to find more subjects and convey his enthusiasm for his art. Each page has an animal on it rendered down first to a series of easily drawn rough shapes, and then each subsequent stage adds a few details in brown pencil so you can see how the drawing builds up. This usually takes three or four stages and then the final pair of drawings show the creature in graphite pencil, then in colored pencil. The first steps are easy to tackle and make learning to draw seem fun and reassuringly simple, but there is quite a jump from the final basic sketch to one of the finished drawings. This series is aimed at beginners, and I felt that a couple more drawings would make a lot of difference. However, nobody said that art was easy and anybody keen enough is sure to study those final two pictures and be able to work out what is going on with a bit of thought, sorting those who are serious about learning to draw from those who are not! I had some fun with this book and so will any other animal lover who wants to make some sketches of their favorite beasties.

Crochet Addict UK

May 2015

I am in awe of anyone who can draw. With this book I don't need to be in awe anymore. It is an amazing collection of drawings that you are taken through step-by-step so that you will be able to draw them as well. You start off with the step-by-step of drawing the general shape of the animal.

From there you then add one detail on another so that you can complete the picture. You are given guidance on everything so it makes it seem so easy to create the amazing pictures. Not only are you given examples of plain pencil drawings you are also given pictures in colour. The book offers amazing value for money. I'm using it myself and my son has already expressed an interest.

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Also by this author:

Draw 100: Animals

By Susie Hodge & Jonathan Newey

Draw in 10 Minutes: Animals

By Jonathan Newey

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