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  • Publisher: Search Press
  • Edition: BC Paperback
  • Publication: 19 August 2010
  • ISBN 13/EAN: 9781844484645
  • Carton Qty:
  • Size: 216x280 mm
  • Illustrations: 325
  • Pages: 128
  • RRP: $25.95
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Painting Watercolour Landscapes the Easy Way - Brush With Watercolour 2


by Terry Harrison

Edelweiss Buy Now
Book Description

Terry Harrison uses his wealth of experience to show how to paint watercolour landscapes the easy way. Terry's own range of brushes are purpose made to help painters create the best effects with minimum effort. This book explains what all the brushes can be used for and shows what techniques are needed for landscape painting. There is then a series of beautiful step-by-step demonstrations showing the brushes and techniques in action. Following on from Terry's hugely successful Brush With Watercolour, this book has more effects, more techniques and more beautiful paintings.

Table of Contents

Introduction 6

Choosing your equipment 9
Brushes 10, Materials 14, My palette 16

Using the brushes 21
Golden leaf 22, Foliage 24, Wizard 30, Fan stippler 34, Fan gogh 40, Stippler px 48, Sword 52, Detail brushes 54, Half-rigger 57, Emperor 19mm (¾in) fl at 59

Techniques 61
Wet into wet 62, Wet on dry 66, Dry brush work 68, Masking fluid 70, Final touches 76

Demonstrations 79
Venetian Doorway 80, St Lucia Beach 88, Barn in Snow 96, Lighthouse 104, Woodland Scene 112, Anne Hathaway’s Cottage 120

Index 128

About the Author

About Terry Harrison

Terry Harrison grew up in Norfolk, UK. His early art education was basic and he never dreamed that he would one day become an artist. At 15, Terry moved to Hampshire and, at 16, inspired by his brilliant art teacher, won a place at Farnham Art School. After graduating he became a graphic artist but continued to paint in his spare time. In 1984 Terry gave up his job to paint full time and never looked back, teaching and demonstrating his watercolour techniques throughout the world, developing his own range of brushes and paints and writing over 20 best-selling books that have been translated into many languages. Sadly, Terry passed away in 2017 but his legacy lives on. His gift for explaining his methods in an easy and accessible way has encouraged countless people to take up painting, and his beautiful works of art, inspired by the English countryside that he loved, will continue to be enjoyed by people all over the world.

To see more of Terry's work visit


Leisure Painter, The

Dec 10

A long awaited follow-up to Terry Harrisons Brush with Watercolour, this book focuses on Terrys own range of brushes, which he has designed to help painters create the best effects they can with the minimum amount of effort. Terry has also designed a range of three greens - specially mixed greens to save you having to do it! The book opens with a description of the brushes and their uses, followed by a list of the materials you will need to get started, and Terrys palette of colours. Descriptions of how to use each brush to best effect with step-by-step examples show exactly how to achieve the desired effect and build up confidence with painting features in the landscape. The Stippler px for example is specially designed for painting trees and foliage. Step-by-step examples show how to paint a simple tree using the brush, focusing on summer foliage, scraping out, painting tree trunks, stones and grasses. The section closes with a painting by Terry that combines all the techniques described using each particular brush. A chapter on basic watercolour techniques - wet into wet, dry brushwork, masking fluid, etc. is followed by the demonstrations - six in total. Each demonstration comprises a list of materials followed by up to 31 stages. Terry is a popular teacher who understands the problems many amateur painters face. This book will be a welcome addition to any watercolourists Christmas list.

Oct 10

A long awaited sequel to Terry's previous Brush with Watercolour. Terry legions of fans will be pleased to find another book from him in his usual easy to follow style. He produces his own range of brushes and this book shows how to get the best out of each individual one thus the section on the Wizard brush shows us how to use it to create paint effects such as wood grain, silver birch bark and dog hair. These can be replaced with others you have already that may be similar ( especially if you are happy to take the scissors to them something I often do with ruined brushes such as those that have worn the point out. If you then like the effect you can then replace with one of Terry's special types when funds permit. He shows things we need to know like how to place the brush exactly, how much paint to have on the brush things less experienced students need to know but are often forgotten by artist tutors for whom this is second nature.

The second half of the book coves the more usual techniques used in watercolour painting and is followed by six in depth step by step demonstrations using these techniques and his range of brushes. To get the best from this book you really need to have some of Terry's brushes, or be confident enough to adapt your own.

This is another excellent beginners watercolour landscape book from Terry to take the fear away from applying paint to paper that some would be artist have.

Oct 10

A long awaited sequel to Terry's previous Brush with Watercolour. Terry legions of fans will be pleased to find another book from him in his usual easy to follow style. He produces his own range of brushes and this book shows how to get the best out of each individual one thus the section on the Wizard brush shows us how to use it to create paint effects such as wood grain, silver birch bark and dog hair. These can be replaced with others you have already that may be similar ( especially if you are happy to take the scissors to them something I often do with ruined brushes such as those that have worn the point out. If you then like the effect you can then replace with one of Terry's special types when funds permit. He shows things we need to know like how to place the brush exactly, how much paint to have on the brush things less experienced students need to know but are often forgotten by artist tutors for whom this is second nature.

The second half of the book coves the more usual techniques used in watercolour painting and is followed by six in depth step by step demonstrations using these techniques and his range of brushes. To get the best from this book you really need to have some of Terry's brushes, or be confident enough to adapt your own.

This is another excellent beginners watercolour landscape book from Terry to take the fear away from applying paint to paper that some would be artist have.

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