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  • Publisher: Search Press
  • Edition: BC Paperback
  • Publication: 15 October 2007
  • ISBN 13/EAN: 9781844482948
  • Carton Qty:
  • Size: 215x280 mm
  • Illustrations: 200
  • Pages: 128
  • RRP: $19.95
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The Acrylic Flower Painter's A-Z


An illustrated directory of techniques for painting 40 popular flowers by Lexi Sundell

Edelweiss Buy Now
Book Description

This lovely book is an indispensable guide for acrylic flower artists, revealing how to paint 50 of the most popular floral subjects, from agapanthus to zinnia, with plant-specific instructions for capturing the unique beauty of each species.

This lovely book is an indispensable guide for acrylic flower artists, revealing how to paint 50 of the most popular floral subjects, from agapanthus to zinnia, with plant-specific instructions for capturing the unique beauty of each species.

All the techniques you will need are clearly explained and demonstrated, from analysing the shape and structure of flowers to mixing and blending rich, luminous colours, laying washes, creating textured effects, and adding highlights.

Each featured flower includes information about its distinguishing characteristics, detailed step-by-step instructions, a complete colour palette, mini demonstrations showing special techniques, and a stunning full-colour image of a finished painting.

Table of Contents

Choosing and Using Materials and Techniques
Directory of 50 Flowers
Index and credits

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About the Author

About Lexi Sundell

Lexi Sundell is an internationally known acrylic artist. Lexi's dramatic acrylic floral paintings have been chosen for prestigious international shows such as Blossom-Art of Flowers 2007-2009 and can be found in private and corporate art collections around the world. She owns the RiverStone Gallery in Montana, USA and she enjoys mentoring other artists to further their creative development.

To see more of Lexi's work visit her website


Leisure Painter

Acrylic artist, Lexi Sundell is best-known or her dramatic acrylic floral paintings and here she shows you how to paint 40 of them in The Acrylic Flower Painter's A to Z. From agapanthus to zinnia, each flower includes detailed step-by-step instructions on the techniques necessary, the colours you will need and how to mix them, analysing shapes and structures and creating textural effects and highlights. The finished paintings are vibrant and impactful.

Nov 07

Acrylics have always been something of a Cinderella medium, bubbling under in the popularity stakes and held back really only by a slight, rather undeserved, reputation for being difficult because of their quick-drying properties. Modern retarder mediums have largely put paid to this and, with increased interest, books are starting to appear. Having got beyond the general introductions, these are also branching out into specific subjects and this is, as far as Im aware, the first specifically on painting flowers.

The format belongs to a small series that includes watercolour flowers and also trees and foliage, both of which have gone down well. The approach is to devote a single spread to one particular subject, with a full-page finished painting with a colour chart and a description of the painting sequence opposite. Detail illustrations appear along the bottom of the spread. Before all this starts, however, theres a good and concise introduction to basic techniques. Yes, the layout is formulaic, but the trade-off is that, once youve got the hang of it, you dont have to re-learn it for every project.

The only reservation I have is that this is a book clearly designed for an international market. Yes, you get 40 popular flowers (it says on the cover), but youd have to have a world tour ticket to see all of them. How much this matters depends on how adaptable you are. The basic structures are all there and the notes about colour apply whatever the shape is, so theres still something to be learnt even if youll never encounter a Gazania, Rose Mallow or California Poppy in the wild. Make do with Apple Blossom, Gerberas or the Shirley Poppy instead.

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