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  • Publisher: Search Press
  • Edition: BC Paperback
  • Publication: 12 September 2025
  • ISBN 13/EAN: 9781800922372
  • Carton Qty: Not Yet Published
  • Size: 204x260 mm
  • Illustrations: 0
  • Pages: 144
  • RRP: $25.95

Crafting the Wheel of the Year


17 magical projects to honour nature’s seasons by Claire Gelder & Deb Bowen

Edelweiss Preorder
Book Description

Craft in harmony with the changing seasons; create 17 stunning projects designed to connect you with the natural world and aid your magical practice.

Discover a range of crafts, including knitting, crochet and macramé, and work with natural materials including pinecones, flowers and twigs.

The turning of the seasons, known as the Wheel of the Year, is rich in history and forms an integral part of various modern-day magical practices. Structured seasonally to guide you through the year, this inspiring book will ground and calm you as you get creative and is suitable for crafters of all abilities. Renowned author and podcaster Deb Bowen introduces each of the 8 seasons with warmth, clarity and insight, while each of the 17 projects has been lovingly created by best-selling craft author Claire Gelder. 

  • A range of 17 inspiring projects with all the necessary techniques clearly described. Revel in the warmth and joy of summer with a glorious flower crown for Beltane; decorate your table with cute and cuddly knitted pumpkins for Samhain (autumn); create festive cheer with a rowan berry garland for Yule (winter); and welcome the coming spring with a macramé hanging jar glowing with dried flowers. 
  • Natural crafts inspired by the world around you: discover a range of projects that incorporate natural items, from a smudge stick made from rosemary and dried rose petals, a Brigid's cross woven from reeds and a wand, crafted from fallen or beach-combed wood.
  • Included with each holiday are corresponding crystals and essential oils: the crystals offer you an insight into the mineral kingdom; the essential oils will elicit fragrances that beckon you to fond memories and awaken your senses.
  • A fascinating introduction to each of the 8 seasons, and historical insights into the traditions and rituals that shape our world today.

Connect to the natural world around you, and craft consciously and sustainably in harmony with the changing seasons.

Table of Contents

Introduction 6
How to use this book 8
Getting Started: The Wheel of the Year Cape 10

Samhain 22
About Samhain 24
Knitted Pumpkins 26
Besom 38

Yule 44
About Yule 46
Rowan Berry Garland 48
Pinecone Wishes 52

Imbolc 56
About Imbolc 58
Wand 60
Brigid’s Cross 64

Ostara 70
About Ostara 72
Dyed Eggs Wall Hanging 74
Macramé Flower Lanterns 78

Beltane 84
About Beltane 86
Flower Crown 88
Macramé Meditation Charm 92

Litha 98
About Litha 100
Wheel of the Year Embroidery 102
Sunstone & Selenite Bracelet 108

Lughnasadh 114
About Lughnasadh 116
Smudge Stick 118
Charm Bag 122

Mabon 128
About Mabon 130
Poppet 132
The Wreath of the Year 138

Conclusion & Thanks 144

About the Author

About Claire Gelder

Claire Gelder loves all things hand-made, hand-woven and hand-crafted. She has been crafting for relaxation and fun for over twenty years.

In 2015, Claire left her career as an NHS Director to launch her new business, Wool Couture, which specializes in knitting, crocheting, weaving and macrame. She quickly got her DIY craft kits on the shelves of retail giant John Lewis and, in 2017, secured two Dragons' Den investors to help her pass on her passion of crafting to the next generation. Adding a modern twist to age-old pastimes knitting and crochet, Claire uses giant, chunky yarn and oversized knitting needles made in her own factory.

As well as a successful entrepreneur, Claire is also a firm believer in the therapeutic side of craft, particularly its benefits to mental health and well-being.

Claire lives in Wakefield, UK and is proud to be continuing Yorkshire’s textile tradition. Her website is

About Deb Bowen

Deb Bowen is co-author of A Good Friend for Bad Times: Helping Others through Grief, (Augsburg Fortress Publishers). Her creative nonfiction and poetry focus on living in harmony with the environment, and have been published in literary journals in the United States. The materials she creates for her workshops, courses, and retreats invite participants to explore a deep connection to nature and the metaphysical world beyond. She is co-host of internationally acclaimed PsychicTeachers podcast.

Find out more at:

  • Deb Bowen, Author on Facebook
  • PsychicTeachers Podcast on iTunes
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Also by this author:

Pocket Book of Knitting

By Claire Gelder

Bonnie the Cow & Friends

By Claire Gelder

Robyn Octopus & Friends

By Claire Gelder

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