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  • Publisher: Search Press
  • Edition: BC Paperback + outlines on paper sheets
  • Publication: 30 August 2022
  • ISBN 13/EAN: 9781800920156
  • Carton Qty: 18
  • Size: 216x280 mm
  • Illustrations: 650
  • Pages: 160
  • RRP: $19.95
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Ready to Paint with Terry Harrison


Watercolour techniques, tips and projects for the complete beginner by Terry Harrison

Edelweiss Buy Now
Book Description

The distilled teachings of one of hobby art's masters. Everything you need to learn to paint like a pro!

Terry Harrison's painting style and easy-going humour makes painting fun and enjoyable. Pick up a brush, pull out one of the included outlines, and before you know it, you'll have a painting you can be proud to hang on your wall!

This collection of Terry Harrison's highly-successful Ready to Paint books expands on the rock-solid painting advice in the originals by including all of Terry's clever and simple techniques. Together with more information on his preferred materials, the book makes painting the huge range of landscapes and rural scenes included approachable and enjoyable.

The book includes pull-out outline paper that you can transfer to watercolour paper as well as full instructions on how to do so for each of the 15 step-by-step projects, and Terry's beautiful artworks are scattered throughout for inspiration.

Table of Contents

Introduction 6, Materials 8, Techniques 12

Fields 20
Poppy Field 22, The Open Gate 30, Blossom Meadow 38
Woodlands 46
Bluebell Wood 48, The Footbridge in the Woods 54, New Forest Bridge 62
Winter Landscapes 70
Snow Tracks 72, Village in the Snow 78, Barn in the Snow 86
Buildings 94
Summer Doorway 96, Dunguaire Castle 104, Dublin Doorway 112, Chicken Barn 120
Seascapes 128
Keem Bay 130, The Cliffs of Moher 136

Index 144

About the Author

About Terry Harrison

Terry Harrison grew up in Norfolk, UK. His early art education was basic and he never dreamed that he would one day become an artist. At 15, Terry moved to Hampshire and, at 16, inspired by his brilliant art teacher, won a place at Farnham Art School. After graduating he became a graphic artist but continued to paint in his spare time. In 1984 Terry gave up his job to paint full time and never looked back, teaching and demonstrating his watercolour techniques throughout the world, developing his own range of brushes and paints and writing over 20 best-selling books that have been translated into many languages. Sadly, Terry passed away in 2017 but his legacy lives on. His gift for explaining his methods in an easy and accessible way has encouraged countless people to take up painting, and his beautiful works of art, inspired by the English countryside that he loved, will continue to be enjoyed by people all over the world.

To see more of Terry's work visit


Machine Knitting Monthly

Painting this huge range of landscapes and rural scenes is both enjoyable and approachable. The book has pull-out outline paper to transfer the images to watercolour paper and full instructions are given for each of the 15 step-by-step projects.

Leisure Painter

A collection of Terry Harrison's much-loved Ready to Paint books have been brought together for this new book. Perfect for beginners, the book includes pull-out paper outlines so you can transfer the drawings to watercolour paper and get started painting the 15 step-by-step projects straight away. There's plenty of practical advice and tips on painting with watercolour from Terry who was renowned for his easy and accessible teaching style.

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