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  • Publisher: Search Press
  • Edition: BC Paperback
  • Publication: 22 October 2020
  • ISBN 13/EAN: 9781782216995
  • Carton Qty: 42
  • Size: 216x292 mm
  • Illustrations: 400
  • Pages: 64
  • RRP: $14.95
  • Series: Take Three Colours
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Take Three Colours: Watercolour Snow Scenes


Start to paint with 3 colours, 3 brushes and 9 easy projects by Grahame Booth

Edelweiss Buy Now
Book Description

"There’s no grandstanding or showmanship, just solid, honest instructions and demonstrations that produce solid, worthwhile results." -

Snow scenes make wonderful subjects for beginner watercolour artists - all you need is the know-how and confidence to give snow depth, sparkle and just the right amount of colour. Popular artist and author Grahame Booth will show you how to achieve beautiful results, using just three brushes, three paints and nine fantastic projects.

Starting with a small but perfectly formed tool kit of three brushes, a mixing palette, watercolour paper and three tubes of paint, Grahame guides you step-by-step through nine projects, starting with a simple scene and progressing on to more complex ones.

Even if you have never picked up a paintbrush, you will be amazed at what you will achieve by the end of this book. And along the way you will have learnt all the skills you need to start painting wonderful snow scenes of your own.

Table of Contents

Using the colours8
Using the brushes9


Snowy Field10

Snowy Hills16

Snowy Road20

Streamside Tree26

Winter Trees32

Snowy Sunset38

Snowy Mountains46

Winter Cottage52

Vermont Landscape58

Transferring a drawing64

About the Author

About Grahame Booth

Grahame Booth tutors workshops and holiday courses around the world. He is a popular demonstrator for art clubs all over the UK and his paintings have received many national and international awards. His work is featured in books, videos and art magazines, including The Artist and Artists & Illustrators

Grahame is based in Belfast, Northern Ireland. His work is represented in private collections worldwide and in public collections in Ireland and the USA. He is Past President of the Ulster Watercolour Society and a member of the Watercolour Society of Ireland.

This is Grahame's fourth book with Search Press.

To see more of Grahame’s work visit:



If the idea of using colours for snow even if it is only three seems like a contradiction read on. Snow, of course, isn't white but takes on the colour of the things that surround it, especially the sky or shadows of building and vegetation.

Grahame's message is simplify look, visualise and interpret. Don't overcomplicate your mixes or fiddle with details and you'll soon find that less a lot less really is more.

In this easy-to-follow guide, Grahame will guide you through shadows, reflections, hills, trees, water and even a sunset in nine straightforward projects.

Leisure Painter - December 2020

Using just three colours, Grahame Booth shows us how to paint snow scenes in watercolour in this new addition to Search Press's Take Three Colours series. The pared-down painting kit keeps everything simple. Grahame leads us through nine step-by-step projects progressing in complexity as we work through them. There's a helpful chapter on how to transfer your drawing to the watercolour paper and plenty of useful tips and advice to give you the confidence to have a go and develop your own snow scenes.

Crafts Beautiful

Imagine being able to recreate a wintry landscape, using just three colours. Impossible, you might think by artist Grahame Booth reveals how to do just that in his book Watercolour Snow Scenes. Taking you step-by-step through nine projects, you'll be painting masterpieces in no time.

Search Press have become adept at producing series that include books that stand on their own merits rather than simply fitting into pre-defined slots. Much of that is down to having as simple an idea as possible. As a result authors dont need to go into contortions to get the correct shape and are free to express themselves as they normally do. This makes the whole idea easy to explain to those same authors so that everyone has a clear idea of whats required. That, of course, is the key to any successful book, but its surprising (and rather alarming) how often it gets missed. If everyones pulling in different directions, the dogs sure not to miss out on its dinner.

All of which is a preamble to saying that I like this a lot. Snow is as tricky a subject as water: its one of those things that isnt really there. Water relies on reflection, but snow can be even more difficult. No, its not just matter of a large tube of titanium white or areas of paper left intentionally blank. Snow doesnt reflect exactly, and it has an identifiable form in a way that water doesnt, but it takes its appearance from the light and shade that fall on it. Cue plenty of opportunities for over-complication and far too many colours in the mix.

And, as if by magic 3 colours and 3 brushes. Less is more, simplification is always going to be your friend. As the nights draw in and who knows what precipitation the weather will bring, heres a guide that will tell you all you need to know. No, not everything that would be a tall order in just 9 projects but enough for you to understand whats happening on your palette, brushes and paper and you didnt really need more than that, did you?

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