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  • Publisher: Search Press
  • Edition: BC Paperback
  • Publication: 09 May 2019
  • ISBN 13/EAN: 9781782216834
  • Carton Qty:
  • Size: 216x280 mm
  • Illustrations: 422
  • Pages: 96
  • RRP: $15.95
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Urban Sketching Step by Step


Techniques for creating quick & lively urban scenes by Klaus Meier-Pauken

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Book Description

Join the growing movement of reactionary artists and learn how to capture our fast-paced world in this inspiring book by popular artist and author, Klaus Meier-Pauken.

With useful advice on the basic materials needed, Urban Sketching Step by Step then moves on to honing essential drawing techniques from tone and colour to perspective and composition.

The huge collection of creative exercises will help you build your skills, see your surroundings with a new artistic eye and draw lively sketches of your city or town that reflect its character.

Whether you are looking to discover your own sketching style, or to build on your existing knowledge, this book is packed with material to get you creating your own dynamic works of art.


Table of Contents

Foreword  4

Urban Sketching Sketching in the city  6
 - Equipment  7
 - Quick sketches as essential training  20
 - Lines and surfaces in your drawing  24
 - Pencil, ink or colour?  28

Spatial perception in the city  30
 - Selecting a scene in public places  30
 - Perspective: horizons, position lines and vanishing points  34

Composing a harmonious sketch  38
 - Arranging people and objects in space  40
 - Foreground, middle ground and background  44
 - The illusion of spatial depth  45
 - Bringing your picture to life  46
 - Shading and textures  50
 - Light and shadow  51
 - Getting your message across  52
 - Tension and dynamism  56
 - Using colour  60

Bringing individual elements to life  64
 - Buildings and architecture  64
 - Trees and vegetation  66
 - People  68
 - Cars, buses and trains  74
 - Surfaces and materials  75

Capturing typical locations in sketches  76
 - Streets, alleyways, courtyards and squares  76
 - Landscapes, parks and gardens  82
 - Details  88
 - Canals, rivers and the sea  92

Afterword The magic of particular places  96

About the Author

About Klaus Meier-Pauken

Klaus Meier-Pauken was born in 1952. He studied architecture and worked as an architect and urban planner from 1983 until 1992. He has worked at Cologne University of Applied Sciences since 1992, and also teaches perspective and freehand drawing at the FFI in Cologne. His works have been shown in multiple exhibitions.


There is so much to love in this inspiring book, its like a conversation with the author Klaus, as he shares his knowledge and advice in such a helpful way.

Its not just the really helpful advice in this book that makes it so special, throughout the book there are delightful and exquisite sketches created by Klaus himself, featuring cities such as London, New York, Paris and Venice.

On every page there is encouragement and advice on how to create perspective accurately, introduce texture and shading, how to bring people into the picture, draw water and so much more, as well as the 18 step by step exercises.

I particularly loved the sentiment in the Afterword, when Klaus describes his own favourite places,

Despite the wealth of fabulous buildings in Paris. I always find my attention is drawn to the less spectacular rows of townhouses found in certain quarters of the city. Time and time again, I find myself enchanted by towering walls, narrow windows, fitted with ornate grilles and shutters and firewalls capped by multiple chimneys resembling the pipes of an organ. In Venice it is the façades and interiors that catch my eye in all their diversity, beauty and perfection, as well as the carefully proportioned walls that surround the citys squares and connect them to all those narrow alleyways to produce a wonderful spatial sequence

If you are inspired to try urban sketching yourself, this book is a wonderful companion. Highly Recommended!


Hot Brands Cool Places

Join the growing movement of reactionary artists and learn how to capture our fast-paced world in this inspiring book by popular artist and author, Klaus Meier-Pauken.

With useful advice on the basic materials needed, Urban Sketching Step by Step then moves on to honing essential drawing techniques from tone and colour to perspective and composition.

The huge collection of creative exercises will help you build your skills, see your surroundings with a new artistic eye and draw lively sketches of your own city or town that reflect its character.

Whether you are looking to discover your own sketching style, or build on your existing knowledge, this book is packed with material to get you creating your own dynamic works of art.

The Artist

Urban Sketching Step by Step

The latest addition to the urban sketching canon is certainly one of the best. The larger format has provided the opportunity for a less cramped layout. All the familiar subjects are here: buildings, people, street corners, cafes and vehicles, but the pace of life on the page has slowed and more time and space are devoted to each subject and topic. The result is a book that's charming rather than enervating and where longer discussions and explanations add clarity to the drawings themselves. It's not the a bad place to start.

Leisure Painter, June 2019

Drawing the urban environment is becoming increasingly popular, with urban sketching groups and global communities of artists practising on-location drawings where they live and travel. In Urban Sketching Step by Step, artist and architect, Klaus Meier-Pauken, shows us how it's done in his inspiring guide to urban sketching. Klaus looks at the basic materials and techniques you will need to get started, including helpful advice on perspective, tone and composition, and encourages you to look at your surroundings with fresh eyes. The emphasis is on creating quick and lively drawings that reflect the character of urban scenes. 

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