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  • Publisher: Search Press
  • Edition: BC Paperback Flexi-binding
  • Publication: 18 October 2014
  • ISBN 13/EAN: 9781782211617
  • Carton Qty: 26
  • Size: 210x228 mm
  • Illustrations: 288
  • Pages: 144
  • RRP: $19.95
  • Series: A-Z of Needlecraft
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A-Z of Embroidery Stitches


A complete manual for the beginner through to the advanced embroiderer by Country Bumpkin

Edelweiss Buy Now
Book Description

This comprehensive guide to embroidery stitches contains all the embroiderer needs to know to work dozens of stitches, and includes full advice on everything from choosing materials, beginning and ending a thread and using hoops to working as a left-handed embroiderer and learning how to paint threads. Step-by-step photography and clear instructions make the techniques achievable for beginners as well as providing an invaluable reference guide for experienced embroiderers.

  • Comprehensive guide to embroidery stitches
  • Full of hints and tips covering all the embroiderer needs to know
  • Revamped design of a book that has sold well over many years

Table of Contents

4 Welcome - fabric beginning and ending thread transferring designs needles
8 Algerian Eye Stitch
9 Arrowhead stitch
9 Back stitch
10 Blanket stitch
Pinwheel double detached
Detached twisted long and short
Looped scallops
17 Braid stitch
18 Bullion knot
Rose with bullion centre
Susan O'Connor rose rosebuds
Rose with padded satin centre
Bears bow
Detached chain combination
31 Buttonhole stitch
32 Cast-on stitch rose
34 Chain stitch
Twisted alternating
Whipped interlaced
Open rosette rose
40 Chinese knot
41 Colonial knot
42 Combination stitch
Apple blossom
Flower bud
44 Concertina rose
45 Coral stitch
46 Couching
Bow Bokhara
Lattice Roumanian trellis
51 Cretan stitch
52 Cross stitch
Long armed
Straight stitch combination
54 Crow’s foot
55 Cutwork embroidery
56 Danish knot
57 Detached chain flowers
French knot combination flower
Blanket stitch combination
59 Detached wheatear stitch
60 Drizzle stitch flower
61 Ermine filling stitch
62 Eyelets
Flowers shaped
64 Faggoting
65 Feather stitch
Closed double and triple
Variations single
Spanish knotted
70 Fishbone stitch raised
72 Fly stitch twisted leaf
74 Folded Ribbon rose
76 Four-legged knot stitch
77 French knot
Ribbon flower
79 Gathered rose
80 Ghiordes knot
81 Glove stitch
81 Grab stitch with ribbon bud
82 Granitos
82 Hem stitch
Antique serpentine
85 Herringbone stitch
86 Holbein stitch
87 Laid work
88 Long and short stitch
89 Loop stitch
Daisy daffodil flower
Twisted plumes
93 Needleweaving
Bar open base picot
Closed base picot
96 Net stitch
97 Outline stitch
98 Oyster stitch
99 Palestrina stitch
100 Pin stitching
101 Pistil stitch
101 Plume stitch
102 Raised cup stitch
103 Rhodes stitch circular
104 threading Ribbon
104 Ribbon stitch
Rose water lily
107 Running stitch
108 Satin stitch
Bow with split stitch outline
Padded padded berries
111 Scroll stitch
111 Seed stitch
112 Shadow work
Double back stitch
Closed herringbone stitch
114 Shadow trapunto
115 Sheaf filling stitch
116 Shisha stitch
118 Smocker’s knot
119 Spider web rose
120 Split stitch
120 Split back stitch
121 Sprat’s head
122 Star stitch
122 Stem stitch
Encroaching whipped
Portuguese knotted raised
Ribbon rose
127 Straight overcast stitch
128 Straight stitch
Flower raised
130 Stumpwork berry
131 Tête de boeuf Stitch
131 Thorn stitch
132 Thread painting
133 Twirled ribbon rose
134 Wheatear stitch
134 Whipping stitch
135 Whipped stitch rose
136 Wool rose
138 Wound rose
139 Woven filling stitch
140 Zigzag stitch
141 Index
144 Bibliography

About the Author

About Country Bumpkin

Compiled by the expert team at Country Bumpkin, renowned Australian publishers of embroidery books and magazines.


Love to Make

August 2016

Embroidery stitch dictionaries are handy books to have on your shelf, even if you only dabble in hand embroidery as an occassional hobby - they are wonderful reference tools amd are great to help you expand your stitching horizons. In this book the clear step by step photography and instructions are easy to follow for beginners. Plus in addition to the stitches, there's also a general overview on getting started with embroidery - transferring designs, choosing needles, finishing your tips for left handed stitchers.

Hugs Are Fun

March 2015

I love the simplicity of cross stitch, you make a row of diagonal lines going one way and then you go back the other way. Its easy to get into a rhythm because its all the same, over and over. But embroidery is a whole different ballgame, there are tons of stitches. Apparently, far more than I even realized because A-Z of Embroidery Stitches* is full of ones Ive never even heard of! I had a hard time even getting a photo of the contents pages listing all the stitches, there are so many! I counted and there are 84 different stitches listed, and that doesnt even count all the variations like the 8 types of blanket stitches. I tried my hand at a couple of the stitches in the book and I found the photos all really easy to follow and the directions to be clear. Besides a handful of basic stitches, I always need to reference either YouTube videos or an online guide when doing embroidery stitches. I really appreciated the little diagram that appears on the top showing all the different steps at once. It was really helpful for me to get an idea of the progression of the stitches. In addition to all the different stitches there is also a great general overview on getting started with embroidery transferring designs, choosing needles, finishing your embroideries There are also tips for left handed embroiderers and a lot of great information about thread painting and working with ribbon. The cover of the book advertises it as a complete manual for the beginner through to the advanced embroiderer and I would definitely agree. This is a truly comprehensive stitch guide and I was really impressed with how easy to follow the photos and directions are. I was also excited to see that there are a bunch of other A to Z embroidery books either out or that will be released this year whitework, needlepoint, threadpainting, ribbon embroidery, stumpwork. Im really excited to check out some of these, especially if they are as detailed as this one! You can see this review in full here:

Karen Platt

March 2015

This is a timeless and useful guide to embroidery stitches. It offers step-by-step instructions to an A-Z of stitches with clear, easy to follow photos. Find out how to create the perfect bullion knot and much more with professional techniques. It includes all the stitches you need for any stitch project. The only downside is that you might have this book as it was previously published in Australia in 2000 by Country Bumpkin.


December 2014

Defined here as a way of altering a surface with stitches, embroidery in all its richness and variety is presented in this alphabetically arranged guide to a wealth of stitches available to the needle crafter. Thread, needles, and fabric are the triumvirate of necessary materials required for all embroidery projects, and an introductory discussion of those factors is joined by commentary on transferring design onto fabric. Once these important preliminary issues are cleared, then the meat of the book is offered: the stitches themselves, from simple to complicated. The thing to realize about this book is that every stitch is afforded clear and detailed textual directions augmented by exquisitely clear photographs.

Crochet Addict UK

November 2014

Embroidery is an amazing craft. It's something that is so beautiful and can be added to so many items and gifts. It can be used for everything from cards, to pictures to adding a flourish on a project. This book is ideal for anyone from a beginner to an advanced embroider. The book takes you through each stitch. Each stitch is described with instructions and full step-by-step pictures. The instructions are really easy to understand and the pictures mean you can see exactly what you should be doing to create the stitch at each stage. The pictures are clear and there are an amazing array of stitches explained. The stitches include instructions for using ribbon. The instructions are so easy to follow and in no time you are creating beautiful things. I cannot describe the amazing amount of stitches that are in this book. It's one of those books that no matter how long you have it you will always use it. This is a book that anyone wanting or already embroidering will want for their collection. It's a book that would be brilliant as a Christmas Gift or for adding that extra special something to a gift you've made. To see more reviews like this visit

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Also by this author:

A-Z of Whitework

By Country Bumpkin

A-Z of Needlepoint

By Country Bumpkin

A-Z of Embroidered Motifs

By Country Bumpkin

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