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  • Publisher: Search Press
  • Edition: BC Paperback
  • Publication: 24 September 2002
  • ISBN 13/EAN: 9780855329198
  • Carton Qty:
  • Size: 204x260 mm
  • Illustrations: 135
  • Pages: 64
  • RRP: $17.95
  • Series: Beginner's Guide to Needlecrafts
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Beginner's Guide to Mountmellick Embroidery


by Pat Trott

Edelweiss Buy Now
Book Description

The embroidery is traditionally worked on close-woven cotton with cotton thread and it has a great elegance. Flowing floral patterns intertwine with stems and leaves, the smooth satin stitches contrasting wonderfully with the padded, knotted stitchery and untextured background. These natural designs are often fairly large and the sculptured patterns have an appealing bold quality, which is enhanced by the absence of colour and the addition of knitted fringed fringes. Pat Trott explains all the techniques with clear step-by-step photography and inspiring easy-to-follow projects. This book will be welcomed by beginners and also embroiderers of all skill levels.

* Classic technique with revival of popularity

* Very little competition

* High profile author who runs workshops and courses

Table of Contents

* Classic technique with revival of popularity

* Very little competition

* High profile author who runs workshops and courses

About the Author

About Pat Trott

Pat Trott was introduced to Armenian needlelace by her mother at a very early age, and this led to her passion for embroidery and stitchery of all kinds. Later, as a skilled embroiderer, she was attracted to Mountmellick because of the numerous different stitches involved, and she went on to become an expert in this unique craft. Pat is a life member of the Embroiderers' Guild and holds regular workshops for many Guild branches, colleges and schools. Pat has had her work featured in Needlework Magazine and New Stitches Magazine.


Mary Corbet's Needle 'n Thread

Do you ever cringe at the thought of giving your hand-embroidered masterpeices a good washing in fact, washing them over and over and over gain?

Way over in Ireland, theres a place called Mountmellick, where, in the early 1800s, a school was established to teach an affordable embroidery technique to women and girls.

What is it that makes Mountmellick embroidery different from other types of whitework?

There are actually several aspects of Mountmellick embroidery that differentiate this technique from other forms of whitework.

First of all, Mountmellick is not done on linen. Rather, authentic Mountmellic fabric is a heavy cotton jean fabric (not denim, really) with a nice sheen on the back of it, the side on which the embroidery is done.

Its a durable fabric, and it stands up to laundering. The more its washed, the shinier it seems to become.

While the material has a nice sheen, the thread is actually matte. This nice contrast is a trademark of real Mountmellick work. In fact, in the era of mercerized cotton (which has a chemically-induced shine), it can be hard to find the proper threads for real Mountmellick work.

Good thing theres Lacis, which does have the matte thread. (Look under embroidery cotton).

In many forms of whitework, the designs are somewhat delicate, and cutwork or openwork is often involved. In Mountmellick Embroidery, the designs are definitely bold, and cutwork and openwork are never involved its all straight surface embroidery.

The common motifs in Mountmellick Embroidery are taken from nature flowers, berries, brambles, leaves, stems, etc. The typical stitches are satin stitch (padded), stem or outline, Mountmellick stitch, knots, feather stitch, and buttonhole, and variations on all of these.

The edges in Mountmellic embroidery are generally finished with buttonhole stitch or with fringe, depending on how the stuff is to be used.

The type of embroidery that flourished in Mountmellick was originally intended to help poor Irish women and girls survive the austere living of the Industrial Age in Ireland. The supplies were inexpensive (not so today if you want the real stuff when it comes to Mountmellick fabric, youll pay anywhere from $30 $50 / yard for it), and the goods were sold, often to visiting Americans, from whence the technique spread in popularity.

Its still a popular technique, and in the embroidery world, its enjoying a renewed interest.

If youd like to give Mountmellick embroidery a try, I suggest starting with Pat Trotts Beginners Guide to Mountmellick Embroidery.

Its very practical and down-to-earth. Shes got great suggestions for framing up your work for stitching, and a nice selection of authentic patterns and stitches.

The instructions in the book are very easy to follow, and youll master the basics of Mountmellick whitework in no time with Pats clear instructions and beautiful designs

 Featured in The Needlework Books that Keep on Giving October 2016

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