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Keep your home fresh with this free hanging room fragrancer project bought to you by Sarah Ditchfield of Candle By Events! The possibilities are endless with this gorgeous project, hand from curtain poles or in wardrobes to keep your home and gaments smelling fresh throughout the winter months or use them as stunning Christmas tree decorations!

  • Silicone moulds (often used for jewellery-making)
  • 100g pillar wax (I recommend soy)
  • 10g fragrance oil
  • Dried flowers, leaves or fruit
  • Hole punch eyelets
  • Ribbon
  • 1 spoon
  • Double boiler
  • Cook’s thermometer

Step 1:
One-third fill the bottom part of a double boiler with water. Bring the water to simmering point. Place the melting pan (or top pan) on top of the saucepan. Add 100g wax into the top melting pan and wait for it to melt. Use a thermometer to regularly test the temperature of the wax. The melting and maximum temperatures will depend on the brand of wax you use – so always refer to the manufacturer’s guidelines.

Step 2:
While the wax is melting prepare the design in the moulds – I fi nd this much easier to do in advance rather than once the wax is in the mould. Once you have prepared your design if you have a digital camera or smart phone, take a photo of it as you now need to empty the mould before you pour the wax into it. By taking a photo it helps you remember your design.

Step 3:
Once the wax has melted to the manufacturer’s recommended temperature pour the fragrance oil into the wax and stir gently.

Step 4:
Turn off the hob and slowly pour the wax into the moulds.

Step 5:
Now you need to watch the wax set, once it does you will see a fi lm (skin) form on top, at this stage gently place your dried flowers, fruit, leaves, etc. Leave to set fully overnight.

Step 6:
Carefully release the wax from the mould.

Step 7:
Place the eyelet into the hole in the wax and then tie with a ribbon.

Download and print this project in full HERE.

Bonus Project alert! Click the image below to download this festive Christmas Pudding candle project from Making Candles by Sarah Ditchfield!

Making Candles is available from Search Press, RRP: £8.99

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