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Viewers of BBC's The One Show will be familiar with the artist Adebanji Alade, and if you aren't already a fan of his work you soon will be, following the release of his book, The Addictive Sketcher.

Get an insight into how he works, how to be motivated and inspired by your surroundings, and learn plenty of tips and techniques to apply to your own sketches and paintings of both people and landscapes. Follow the four projects to create your own versions of a pub scene, a busker on the street, a statue and an art gallery!

Discover more about Adebanji and The Addictive Sketcher from the artist himself in this video:

Adebanji was elected as Vice President of the prestigious Royal Institute of Painters in 2018, as well as being the Artist in Residence for The One Show. His passion for art is inspiring, and he loves to motivate and entertain! 


Book Signing at Mall Galleries

If you have been inspired by Adebanji's work and want to learn more, then make sure that you check out his book signing at Mall Galleries, on Wednesday 15th January. Between 2pm and 3pm you can join Adebanji for a tour of FBA Futures where he will discuss the approaches used by artists in the exhibition. After the tour enjoy a drink and book signing with Adebanji! Tickets are free, so register here. Your ticket will also give you 10% off a copy of The Addictive Sketcher when purchased at the gallery bookshop between 10am and 5pm on the day.

Address: Mall Galleries, The Mall, London, SW1

The Addictive Sketcher is available to buy on our website

The Addictive Sketcher